The different essences

In addition to his own alchemical tinctures, which he has developed over the decades, in 2004 Dr. Szikra came into contact with a 300-year-old hermit in the USA, from whom he then obtained the Red Lion tincture. It was this tincture that Jan van Helsing and around 100 other people around the world took for testing purposes.

In 2016 he added the “Pig Salt”, which he himself had further developed and which Dr. Schüßler originally used for his Schüßler salts. In autumn 2017, in collaboration with a chemist, Red Calcium was created, a living calcium that – similar to breast milk – is excellently absorbed by the human body.

After the ashes of a piglet go through a 14-month alchemical process to make Pig Salt – as the old custom requires – criticism arose. Some people do not want to eat anything that comes from pigs, others want to eat a completely vegan diet. That’s why Dr. Szikra continued researching a process or combination to get around this. In July 2018, the time had come: he succeeded in developing the 300-year-old hermit’s original Red Lion tincture in such a way that pig salt and thus animal ingredients can be completely dispensed with.

All three variants are now available and everyone can decide for themselves which one they want to take.

The Red Lion Tincture

The base substances of the Red Lion are gold and XXXX, which form a bond (alchemical marriage). Both go through a 14 or 18 month alchemical process which potentiates the bond – similar to homeopathy – and massively increases its effectiveness. For years, Dr. Szirka obtained the Red Lion from a 300-year-old hermit in Arizona until he managed to buy the recipe from him for a large sum of money. Since then, he has been making it himself, but remains in contact with the hermit and exchanges new findings with him.

The current Red Lion from Dr. Szikra is a further development of the hermit tincture and is even stronger, which is why there is no need to take the pig salt. The base liquid into which Dr. Szikra’s Red Lion is added is a mixture of alcohol and sunflower oil as a catalyst.

The Red Calcium

Red Calcium, the living calcium, is extracted from cuttlefish and lactic acid before it goes into the alchemical process. The human body breaks down around 0.5 grams of calcium every day, which is why it is advisable to take living calcium. Calcium breakdown causes osteoporosis in the bones and wrinkles in the skin. If you have muscle pain, it is because the calcium is missing there.

Red calcium is water-soluble and is absorbed directly by the body. The big secret is how the calcium becomes water-soluble. Certain ingredients have to be added to the process to make it water-soluble – and these give the calcium a yellow-reddish color. (It has this yellow-reddish color when it comes out of the process, but later becomes almost white.)

The Pig Salt

The Grey Pill – a combination of Red Lion and Pig Salt – works on a spiritual level. It was specifically developed to free and repair DNA. DNA acquires mutations and defects over the generations. This is why we have a degeneration of the species. In addition, in the past most people with deformities and genetic diseases (defects) died. Today they are kept alive. This is exactly where the Grey Pill comes in: It repairs, it solves this problem by sorting the DNA. To repair the defects, you need the Schuessler salts (Pig Salt). To get the information on HOW to repair DNA, you need the super catalyst, the Red Lion tincture, which is made from gold and XXXX. And both together are a perfect complement to DNA.

Recommended dosage

Based on reports from several hundred people who take the various essences in pill or liquid form, the following dosage is recommended:

The Red Calcium (white pill) has a strong stimulating effect and should therefore be taken with a little water in the morning after getting up. Taking it in the evening can cause sleep problems.

The Pig Salt (grey pill) should be taken in the evening as it has a tiring effect and can sometimes lead to violent dreams at night.

The Red Lion Tincture can be taken in the morning or in the evening. Dr. Szikra drinks it first thing in the morning after breakfast.

Jan van Helsing: “I take the Red Lion tincture in the evening before going to bed as, in addition to the intense dreams, it has a slightly tiring effect on me – which suits me just fine in the evening. You have to shake the bottle briefly and then drink half of it. (You can of course drink a whole bottle, but then the ration is only enough for a month.) Everyone should test for themselves when to take the tincture – for example with meals or on an empty stomach. If you take the Red Lion in the morning after getting up or in the evening before going to bed on an empty stomach, the taste may be a bit intense. If you don’t want that, you can take the Red Lion during dinner, for example. Or you can drink another flavored liquid after taking the tincture (a sip of juice or tea). I personally ate a piece of cheese or a couple of pretzel sticks after taking it; I’ve gotten used to the taste now. Creativity is required here, as everyone has their own preferences and may react differently to it.”

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